why boundaries are so needed

3 Responses to “why boundaries are so needed”

  1. devora

    I don’t know how you found my inbox. I’m glad you did. I should have put on my glasses and watched this video last week. I am motivated, yet a procrastinator. Each week can be a struggle with changing myself after my divorce. I made a bad decision even after listening to myself and my angel guides. I wasn’t clear with myself on boundaries with people. I allowed myself to blow up on someone that I knew I shouldn’t had been around. Thanks for this, even though now it is just a reminder. It helped me all the same. Thank you

    • Marnina Reid

      Hi Devora,

      Thanks so much for your comment and for sharing. Boundaries or lack there of can be one of our biggest teachers especially if we grew up around adults that didn’t model great boundaries or who were too rigid. I hope that you can find whatever message/lesson was there for you in that situation and let go of judging yourself about it. I’m so glad the video was helpful for you!





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