when you feel there just isn’t enough time… try this

Even if you are seeking out support for depression with alternative therapy time seems to often be an issue.  Time and money are often our precious loves that we are constantly try to gain more of.  The interesting thing is that unlike money, at the end of the day we all have the same amount of time every day to use as we’d like.

I seriously used to feel like if I didn’t have so much energy going into my unresolved abandonment issues I would have WAY more time for myself and my business!

I’m wondering if you personally feel you have enough time specifically just for you…?

Do you feel an inner urge to be able to do more things, but often find that you end up not having the time?

If the answer is yes- do you have a sense of what gets in the way of you finding time to get some of your unique needs met so that your life can go in its most fulfilling direction?

Please click and watch the video below for my holistic health practitioner take and suggestions on the whole crisis of not having enough time.

As always I want to hear from you!!! What have you done to save yourself time? What process have you had to go through in managing your time successfully in a way that has worked for you? Or what just hasn’t worked at all for you?   Can you share about your experience?

 For anyone that leaves a comment your name will be placed in a raffle for a free one-on-one session in person or over the phone! Sharing yourself helps everyone!

Thanks so much for reading!

Sending you lots of love, time, and money!





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