When looking in the mirror ain’t pretty

What I personally find fascinating is how using holistic therapies to look more deeply at people, things, and situations can serve us as a whole.  Like, have you ever noticed times in your life where other people seem to irritate you a lot more than usual? Or maybe you have had times when things other people say or do things (including loved ones) and it just seems to affect you in some way and possibly trigger you with different degrees of emotion like anger, resentment, or any emotion that ultimately keeps you disconnected from other people?
The truth is we’ve all judged others and been judged in our lives and it’s usually not until we engage in a little self healing that we are willing to look at ourselves.  Ultimately it’s not fun and doesn’t produce any uplifting energy in our lives on either the giving or receiving end.  But yet for some reason, it happens all the time…and that single judgment can result in a whole country judging another country. Scary stuff!

Another thing is that the judgment comes from a closed place inside of us… you could call it depression.  The good news is there are wonderful alternative therapies for depression and holistic therapies for depression! Whew!

One thing I can tell you for sure is that when we judge others or ourselves for that matter; it really is like looking in the mirror at parts of our unhealed selves- and it often takes some major forgiving of ourselves and forgiveness therapy to create a different experience and a shift inside.
Please watch this week’s video on “when looking in the mirror ain’t pretty” and see if you can relate to any of the situations personally.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.  Please share your thoughts on the video. I want to hear about how you’ve learned to let go of any judgment of others.

Lots of love,



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