what you really need in your life and why

Through self healing I have learned that we all have certain needs in order to feel good about ourselves and good about life.  Have you ever thought about this?  I have had teachers tell me in the past that the hardest thing to identify is often what we need specifically- and I have found that to be absolutely true.  I needed help- and for me that looked like holistic therapy to really get clear on what I needed to move forward emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. What is illuminating is that our whole sense of well being is really based on our needs if we break down all areas of life.

If you’ve been feeling lost, overwhelmed, sad, angry, etc, you will be happy to know that you can shift that via holistic therapy and forgiveness therapy, by identifying your specific needs and then taking action on them.  Both of those parts are equally important.  The action can to meet your need can be very small to start. When we are unable to identify our needs it’s usually because we tend to be a bit lost in the feeling this can lead to depression.  It gives me comfort knowing that there is alternative therapy for depression and people can make the choice to engage at any time. Since depression is in my family, I personally have been able to change a lot of my patterning through holistic therapies for depression.  Watch some example’s here on this week’s video about what the hell are needs anyway?

Also http://www.cnvc.org/Training/needs-inventory

Right now is just one opportunity to ask yourself what if anything is missing in your life?  If you can answer that question you can begin to come closer to what you are needing that will help you get to a more balanced and fulfilling place.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this! Please post any comments or feedback underneath this video.






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