what are you feeling right in this second?

If you were to just take a few seconds to check in with yourself, what feelings do you feel right in this moment? Identifying what you are feeling is one of the very first steps of attaining emotional freedom.  This was such a huge part of my process for me in my holistic health practitioner training.

For example, have there been times where have you felt something was going on with someone like maybe a loved one and they never quite acknowledged how they were feeling but you had a sense based on their energy?  You just knew something was up with them.  Also, imagine the same scenario but the person is vulnerable enough to share with you how they truly feel…can you feel the difference? This difference is actually the potential of what we can do to ourselves if we are not really honest about our feelings and overlook them or try not to feel them.  Please watch this week’s video on “how are you feeling?”

Many of us including me were conditioned with abandonment issues.  I can share with you that my first step to feeling better came when I reached a place inside where I decided that anything was better than how I was feeling.  I had tons of depression in my family so I was looking for depression alternative therapy! Please leave a comment below this video and share it with someone who could use the message.  Thanks so much for watching and reading!


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