make sure your loved ones know before it’s too late

Do Your Loved Ones Know That You are Holding On to Unresolved Emotions. Holistic Healing Therapies Can Help you to face this and let go of Your Unwanted Emotions.

Even if you are recovering from codependency and codependent relationships, it’s easy to go through this life and feel unresolved with loved ones whether it is family members, past romantic relationship partners, or friends.  On some level, we tend to hold on to past resentment, anger, hurt, or any other feeling you can think of.

Holistic healing therapies especially the emotional work can help you let go in a way that honors you…

The truth is that if we are holding on to unresolved feelings towards someone else (specifically negative ones), we end up hurting ourselves by literally continuing to give it our energy.  We also tend to withhold our love from people if this is going on.

Is there anyone in your life that you need to resolve something with? Maybe not even for a specific outcome, but more for you to find a sense of peace and acceptance about the issue.  Or maybe there’s someone in your life that you actually need to acknowledge and let them know you love them.

I’d love to hear your experience in resolving with people or any stories of how sharing your love with important people in your life made a difference…  People’s stories and how they’ve been able to shift out of old ways of being is one of the many reasons I’m so passionate about being an emotional health counselor and holistic health practitioner.  Please write a comment below this video if you feel drawn to do it!





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