How to handle shameful Feelings

A Good Holistic Health Practitioner Can Help You to Overcome Shameful Feelings.

Shame can be such a debilitating emotion and so many people deal with it. Especially those of us with abandonment issues and looking for depression alternative therapy. If it is not addressed layers of pain usually show up in different ways in our lives in all of your relationships, especially the most important one…the relationship with ourselves.  If you can relate then you know how challenging these unresolved feelings can make our life.

As a holistic health practitioner, I believe the truth is that we have all done or witnessed things that later on we can sometimes see how we could’ve done better in a certain way or maybe we feel regret about.  I would like to offer that we all have a unique path and we really can’t say until we see the other side some of the gifts that some of our worst experiences bring if we are open to healing.

Please take a look at this week’s video on How to Handle Shameful Feelings for some possible insight on what to do with these feelings.

Did you like this video?  If so, please share it with your friends and I’d love any insight you may have about shameful feelings!

With extra love,




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