3 things to get you through overwhelm

I used to feel SO overwhelmed…before I started doing self healing therapies.  A lot of the time it was going on for me; one of my learned patterns. Is overwhelm a regular part of your life?  I’m asking because many people deal with it even on a mild scale and for some it can become debilitating. Depending on what the underlying issues are overwhelm can keep us stuck and prevent us from moving forward.  In addition it can bring our energy down and we can  even end up numbing out. If any of this resonates with you, please watch this video.

A lot of my overwhelm came from not knowing how to honor my limits and not being able to clear my feelings when I felt them- a little “forgiveness therapy,” and the right kind of holistic therapies supported me tremendously to get to the root of what I was feeling.  You see, what I learned growing up was to allow overwhelm to take over- completely.  And then shut down as a consequence and feel like a victim of the world.  And then even worse to just sit in that helplessness.  This cycle leads to depression.

This is why holistic therapy for depression was SO important in my life.

Imagine if you couldn’t think the thought “I feel overwhelmed” how would life be different? Would it feel like a significant difference?

I’d love to hear from you! Please share any thoughts or experiences you’ve had with overwhelm or alternative therapy for depression. Remember that whatever you share can support others!

Lots of love,

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