3 quick things you can do to calm negative mind chatter

Before I embarked on my own self healing, I had a ton of what I call negative thought traffic.  Can you relate to times when your mind is just literally running wild with all kinds of rampid thoughts, worries, justifications, and stories?  It is said that humans can think up to 70,000 thoughts per day!! Wow, that’s a lot of thoughts. Do you ever find that your mind won’t stop running especially once you are in bed ready to fall asleep…? But it just keeps on going reminding you of all your frustrations, fears,  things to do, reflections, etc.  This means that your mind is running in circles but has a mostly negative tone.

The only reason I have been able to shift my chatting mind is because holistic therapy asks me again and again to look at the root cause and not just the symptom.  So even though our mind is chattering away it is because of what is going on underneath the mental spiral.  Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling down, sad, or even pissed that your thoughts seem to carry some of that energy or feeling?  This is what I’m talking about.

This cycle can be exhausting and completely draining and holistic therapies and forgiveness therapy is SO needed.  It’s seriously no wonder many people choose to numb out in some way or even self medicate.

So, what can you do with all of these mostly negative thoughts?  Well, here are some of my personal solutions in this week’s video on Negative Thought Traffic that stem from holistic therapy for depression.  In this video there are 3 things you can do right away that won’t take much time.  Please watch, try on the solutions for yourself and see how they fit. I love that there is alternative therapy available for depression.

Please let me know your thoughts and leave a comment below this video.  What do you do when you are overwhelmed by your own negative thought traffic?  I want to hear from you!




One Response to “3 quick things you can do to calm negative mind chatter”

  1. Mary Jo

    Hey, dahlink! Your videos get better each week! I particularly loved this one–great strsategies–and very simple! Call me tonite if you can, been missing you. Hope to talk to you soon! Love, Mamita


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